Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Week 6 Training

It's about 8:45 PM, and I am in a room full of women, kneeling and partnered up side by side, slamming into each other with our full side, using our legs to generate as much force as possible. The majority of us are all laughing like hyenas. Or wait, maybe that's just me and my partner, knocking each other over, cracking up when we stumble or accidentally elbow each other, asking if the other is ok, and then repeating. MANY MANY times.

I don't know what you guys did last night, but I had a blast. What a wonderful way to end my day filled with unexplainable, atomic 2 year old tantrums.

From an Alexander Technique perspective, (which any of you that know me realize it is absolutely impossible for me to look through any other eyes) it was genius of the coach to make us start the exercise on our knees before standing or skating and attempting the mechanics of it. It's tricky once you are rolling forward at a decent speed to then generate enough force to the side, impact another body, ideally make them stumble or fall but not stumble/fall yourself. Tricky, but offering just enough challenge to further fuel my addiction to this sport. Poor Alan, not only does he solo put the kids to bed when I practice, but I have been begging him all day today to let me practice checking. As an aside, our coach is amazing, and hugely inspires me, as an individual and a skater. She led her old team to 4 consecutive championships and is one of the most positive people I've met. She also mentioned bringing in a belly dance instructor for her old team to assist with learning the movements needed to perfect their booty blocking skills. Awesome.

Seriously, I can't decide what I enjoy more: slamming into someone, generating my force from the ground and speed I am skating at or being slammed into and getting to utilize every Alexander Technique opposition I have to lean into them and counter. Crazy, crazy amounts of fun. I do have to watch those elbows though...years of subway riding in NY have made me an elbow thrower and that could wind me up in the penalty box if I actually make the team. Did I mention the WFTDA test is on November 15th? Mark your calendars and keep your fingers crossed for me!

In the ongoing saga of Maraud Lebowksi and her aversion to jumping, I can tell you that I am actually making progress. Not in the sense that I would ever ask any of you to lie down and allow me to jump over you, but I'm slowly getting there. For me mechanically it really makes sense to have a good speed going, maintain my derby stance (or monkey for my Alexander friends), release a bit deeper into my leg joints, use a teeny bit of arms and just pick my knees up to my stomach, ankles maintaining flexion, feet flat underneath me. Although every fiber of my being repeatedly tells me not to do this, it's much easier if I can inhibit that instinct and just go for it, eliminate the doubts I have. If you ever attempt this, never look down. Eyes forward, looking where you are going, which is the best place for your focus just in straight skating as well.

And eyes forward, directly towards my beer and perhaps a warm epsom bath is where I am headed tonight my friends. Till Sunday!

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